What is Hair Transplant in Turkey?

A hair transplant in Turkey involves the surgical removal of hair follicles from a donor area (usually the back or sides of the scalp) and implanting them into areas with thinning or no hair. Common techniques include Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI). Turkish clinics are renowned for their advanced technology, skilled surgeons, and comprehensive care, making them a top choice for hair restoration.

How Much Does Hair Transplant in Turkey Cost?

This often includes consultations, the procedure, post-operative care, and sometimes accommodation and transportation. Generally, hair transplant in Turkey costs can range between $2000 and $8000.

Is it Safe to Get a Hair Transplant in Turkey?

Yes, it is generally safe to get a hair transplant in Turkey. The country has a well-established medical tourism industry, and many clinics adhere to international standards of hygiene and safety. However, it is crucial to choose a reputable clinic with experienced surgeons to minimize risks and ensure the best results.

Who is the Best Hair Transplant in Turkey?

Several clinics and surgeons in Turkey are highly regarded for their expertise in hair transplants. The top name is Aslı Tarcan.

Where Do Celebrities Go for a Hair Transplant in Turkey?

Celebrities often prefer well-known clinics such as Aslı Tarcan for hair transplantation procedures. These clinics are known for their privacy, advanced techniques, and high-quality care.

Is Turkey Better Than Korea for Hair Transplant?

Both Turkey and South Korea are known for their high-quality hair transplant services. Turkey is often preferred due to its lower costs and the vast number of clinics specializing in hair transplants. South Korea is known for its advanced medical technology and excellent post-operative care. The choice between the two depends on individual preferences, budget, and specific needs.

Why is Turkey So Cheap for Hair Transplant?

Turkey’s lower costs for hair transplants are due to several factors, including lower labor costs, a favorable exchange rate, and the high volume of medical tourists. The competitive pricing does not compromise the quality of care, as Turkish clinics are known for their advanced technology and skilled professionals.

Which Country is Best for Hair Transplant?

Several countries are renowned for their hair transplant services, including Turkey, South Korea, the United States, and India. Turkey stands out due to its combination of high-quality care and affordability. South Korea is also highly regarded for its advanced techniques. The best country for a hair transplant ultimately depends on individual preferences, budget, and the specific expertise of the clinics in question.

How is Hair Transplantation Done?

Nowadays, hair transplantation is carried out in a highly developed way with modern technology and methods. Hair surgeries offers a natural and permanent solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. The most common hair transplantation methods include FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) techniques.

The FUE method involves taking hair follicles one by one from the donor area and transplanting them to balding or sparse areas. This method is very popular because it is minimally invasive and offers a fast recovery time. In the FUE process, hair follicles are removed using micromotor or manual punch tools and these follicles are carefully placed in the area to be transplanted. This method does not require stitches and leaves no scars, which provides an aesthetic advantage.

DHI method is a technique in which hair follicles are placed directly in the area to be transplanted. DHI is performed using the Choi Implanter Pen, a stylus-like instrument. This tool takes hair follicles and places them directly on the balding area. This method provides denser and more natural-looking hair transplantation and increases the survival rate of hair follicles.

Both methods are performed under local anesthesia and the procedure usually takes several hours. Patients undergo a short recovery period after the procedure and can return to their normal activities within a few days. Generally, hair transplantation results usually begin to appear within a few months and full results are achieved within 12-18 months.

Is Hair Transplantation a Painful Procedure?

Theese days, hair transplantation has become largely painless with modern anesthesia techniques and advanced surgical methods. Painless methods used during hair transplantation increase the comfort of patients and facilitate the post-procedure recovery process.

Local anesthesia is the most commonly used painless method during the hair transplantation procedure. Local anesthesia is applied to the transplantation and donor area, ensuring that the patient does not feel pain during the procedure. The anesthesia effect lasts for a few hours, and pain can be controlled with mild analgesics after the procedure.

Sedation anesthesia can be used during hair transplantation to ensure that the patient is completely relaxed and has a more comfortable procedure. This method is combined with local anesthesia performed under light sedation. Sedation ensures that the patient is in a state of drowsiness or light sleep during the procedure, which reduces stress and discomfort.

Additionally, high-tech tools and techniques are used to implement painless methods during hair transplantation. For example, in hair transplantation with the FUE method, hair follicles are removed with micromotor or manual punch tools and transplantation is performed in a minimally invasive manner. These techniques ensure that pain is kept to a minimum both during and after the procedure.

What is Baldness?

Baldness is a condition in which most or all of the scalp remains bald as a result of hair loss. This condition usually occurs on the scalp, but can also occur in other parts of the body. Baldness, which can be seen in both men and women, is more common in men and tends to increase with age. Hair loss can generally manifest itself as thinning, loss in patches, or completely bald areas. Baldness can raise aesthetic concerns and can be psychologically challenging for some individuals.

What Causes Baldness?

Baldness occurs as a result of various factors. Genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, aging, health problems and environmental effects can be counted among the causes of baldness. Genetic factors are one of the most common causes of baldness. Genetic hair loss, known as androgenetic alopecia, causes hair loss by increasing the effect of certain hormones on hair follicles. Hormonal changes also play an important role in hair loss. Changes in the levels of hormones such as thyroid hormone, androgens and estrogens can affect hair health. Hormonal changes such as pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and thyroid problems can cause hair loss. With the aging process, hair follicles weaken and hair loss increases. The hair growth cycle slows down and the hair becomes thinner and brittle. Some health problems and diseases can also cause hair loss. Autoimmune diseases, iron deficiency anemia, thyroid diseases and dermatological problems can lead to hair loss. Environmental factors, stress, poor nutrition, inadequate sleep and exposure to harmful chemicals can also negatively affect hair health. Additionally, frequent heat styling, hair dyeing, and chemical treatments can also contribute to hair loss.

Is it genetic?

Yes, baldness can be genetic and is often closely related to family history. Androgenetic alopecia is a type of genetic hair loss that is common in both men and women. In this condition, hair follicles are genetically sensitive to certain hormones, especially the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT shrinks hair follicles and causes hair to thin and fall out. While genetic baldness in men usually starts from the temples and crown area, genetic baldness in women may occur as a more widespread thinning. Individuals with a family history of hair loss are at higher risk due to genetic predisposition. Genetic baldness cannot be prevented, but it can be managed and the progression of hair loss slowed down with various treatment options. Treatment methods such as hair transplantation, minoxidil and finasteride can offer effective solutions for individuals experiencing genetic hair loss. In addition to genetic factors, environmental and lifestyle factors can also affect the severity of hair loss, so adopting a healthy lifestyle is important to maintain hair health.

Can Hair Transplant Be the Definitive Result for Baldness ?

Generally, hair transplantation is considered one of the most effective and permanent solutions for individuals experiencing baldness and intense hair loss. Modern hair transplantation techniques have been developed to provide natural and aesthetic results and generally give successful results. However, whether hair transplantation is a definitive solution may vary from person to person. Hair surgeries offers a permanent solution for individuals who are genetically prone to hair loss, because transplanted hair follicles are usually taken from areas resistant to loss. However, the success of hair transplantation depends on the severity of the patient’s hair loss, the amount of hair in the donor area, and the experience of the surgeon. Additionally, proper care and follow-up after hair transplantation ensures long-lasting results. Hair surgeries often offers a permanent solution to baldness problems, but each individual’s situation is unique and results may vary depending on personal factors.

How is the Number of Grafts Determined for Hair Transplantation ?

The number of grafts required for hair transplantation is determined depending on the size of the patient’s hair loss area, the hair density in the donor area and the desired aesthetic result. During the initial evaluation, the hair transplant specialist analyzes the patient’s hair loss pattern and intensity. The number of grafts is calculated by taking into account the number of healthy hair follicles that can be taken from the donor area, the size of the area to be transplanted and the desired density. Generally, larger areas of baldness require more grafts. In addition, the patient’s hair type, hair thickness and color are important factors in determining the number of grafts. Thin and sparse hair may require more grafts than thick and dense hair. Accurate determination of the number of grafts is critical to achieve a natural and aesthetic result. Therefore, it is essential to make a detailed evaluation and planning at the beginning of the hair transplantation process.

Is Hair Loss Genetic?

Hair loss occurs largely due to genetic factors. Androgenetic alopecia is a type of genetic hair loss that is common in both men and women. Genetic predisposition increases the effect of certain hormones, especially the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), on hair follicles. This hormone shrinks the hair follicles, causing the hair to thin and fall out over time. While genetic hair loss in men usually starts from the temples and crown area, it occurs as a more common thinning in women. In addition to genetic factors, hormonal changes, aging, stress, nutritional deficiencies and some health problems can also affect hair loss. However, genetic predisposition is one of the most important causes of hair loss. Individuals with a family history of hair loss are at higher risk due to genetic predisposition. Therefore, genetic factors are considered one of the main causes of hair loss.

Hair Transplant Techniques Change According to Our Genetics?

Genetic factors are one of the most important factors that determine the type and severity of hair loss. However, genetic factors do not directly change the choice of hair transplantation techniques. The basic techniques used in the hair transplantation process generally remain the same; These are methods such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation). These techniques can generally be used in all patients, regardless of genetic predisposition. However, the hair loss pattern determined by genetic factors and the hair density in the donor area may affect the treatment plan and the number of grafts. Therefore, a specific treatment plan is created for each patient, taking into account the genetic hair loss type and personal characteristics. On the other hand, in individuals experiencing more aggressive hair loss due to genetic predisposition, the efficiency of the donor area is carefully evaluated and the most appropriate hair transplantation method and strategy is determined accordingly.

People with HIV Can Have a Hair Transplant?

HIV-positive individuals can also have a hair transplant, but this requires some special attention and precautions. In the hair transplantation procedure, the procedure is carried out by taking into account the health conditions of HIV carriers. Because HIV-positive individuals have weak immune systems, they may be at higher risk of infection. Therefore, before hair transplantation, the patient’s general health condition is carefully evaluated and the safety of the surgical intervention is meticulously studied. The clinic where hair transplantation will take place must have high standards in sterilization and infection control. Additionally, it is important for HIV-positive patients to receive appropriate medical follow-up and care before and after hair transplantation. The surgeon must have full information about the patient’s HIV status and general health condition and create the treatment plan taking this information into account. HIV-positive individuals should consult a specialist doctor before having a hair transplant and make a detailed health assessment to determine whether the procedure is safe for them.

Is Hair Transplantation Permanent?

Generally, hair transplantation usually offers a permanent and lifelong solution, but results may vary from person to person. The grafts used during hair transplantation are taken from areas that are genetically resistant to loss, so the transplanted hair usually does not fall out and is permanent. However, proper care and follow-up are important for the healthy growth and longevity of the transplanted hair. After hair transplantation, it may take several months for new hair to grow in the transplanted area, and full results can usually be seen within 12-18 months. The permanence of the transplanted hair depends on factors such as the skill of the surgeon, the transplantation technique, the quality of the donor area and the general health condition of the patient. After hair transplantation, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle and perform regular hair and scalp care to support natural hair growth.

Hair Transplant Cost 2024

Modern techniques such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) can often be more costly. On average, hair transplant prices can range between $2000 and $8000. The price range is determined according to the patient’s hair loss status, the width of the area to be transplanted and the hair density in the donor area. Additionally, some clinics may include post-hair transplantation care and follow-up services in the package price. Insurance generally does not cover hair transplant procedures, so patients may need to cover the cost of the procedure directly. Individuals who are considering hair transplantation are recommended to compare prices by getting price quotes from various clinics and choose the most suitable option. Additionally, choosing high-quality service and experienced surgeons is important for the success and satisfaction of the procedure.


How Long Does Hair Transplant Surgery Take?

The duration of hair transplant surgery varies depending on the number of grafts to be transplanted and the technique used. Generally, the hair transplantation process can take between 4 and 8 hours. In the first stage, hair follicles are taken from the donor area and this process may take up to 2-4 hours. The collected follicles are kept in special solutions before being transferred to the area to be transplanted. In the second stage, small incisions or holes are made in the area to be transplanted and hair follicles are carefully placed. This stage may last between 2-4 hours. The procedure time may take longer depending on the number of grafts to be transplanted and the width of the area. During the procedure, the patient remains in a sitting or semi-recumbent position and can usually listen to music or watch television. Following completion of the surgery, patients can return home the same day and usually return to normal activities within a few days.

What Awaits You During Hair Surgery?

During hair transplantation surgery, patients expect a comfortable and safe process. As a first step, the patient’s hair loss status and hair density in the donor area are evaluated. After this evaluation, the surgeon creates the appropriate treatment plan and gives detailed information to the patient about the procedure. On the day of surgery, the hair transplantation process begins by applying local anesthesia to the patient. Thanks to anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. Hair follicles taken from the donor area are carefully placed in the area to be transplanted. During the procedure, patients usually remain in a comfortable sitting or lying position and can listen to music or watch television.

After the surgery is completed, the patient is given post-procedure care instructions. During the first few days, it is important to protect the transplanted area and pay attention to hygiene. Slight swelling, redness, or crusting is normal and usually goes away within a few days. Patients should regularly use the medications recommended by their doctors and protect their scalp from trauma. In the post-procedure period, natural hair growth begins as hair follicles adapt to their new location. Full results are usually seen within 12-18 months.

How Long Does Hair Surgery Take?

The duration of hair transplantation surgery varies depending on the technique used and the number of grafts to be transplanted. Generally, hair transplantation takes between 4 and 8 hours. In the first stage, hair follicles are taken from the donor area. This process may take 2-4 hours depending on the technique used. In the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, hair follicles are removed one by one, while in the DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) method, the follicles are placed directly in the area to be transplanted. After donor follicles are removed, small incisions or holes are made in the area to be transplanted and the follicles are carefully placed. This stage takes approximately 2-4 hours. During the procedure, patients usually remain in a comfortable sitting or lying position and can listen to music or watch television. Surgery duration may vary depending on the number of grafts to be transplanted and the size of the hair loss area.

When Will I Heal After Hair Transplantation ?

The healing process after hair transplantation may vary from person to person, but generally signs of recovery begin to appear within a few weeks. During the first few days, there may be slight swelling, redness and crusting in the transplanted area. These symptoms usually subside within a few days. During the first week after surgery, patients are recommended to keep their heads in an elevated position and avoid strenuous activities. During the first 10 days, the crusts on the scalp begin to fall off and the healing process accelerates.

After about 2-3 weeks, the transplanted hair begins to fall out. This is a normal process called shock shedding and should not be a cause for concern. As the transplanted follicles adapt to their new location, new hair begins to grow after approximately 3-4 months. Full results are usually seen within 12-18 months. After hair transplantation, it is important to follow the instructions given by the doctor and have regular check-ups to speed up the healing process and achieve the best results.

How to Prevent Hair Loss?

Various methods and lifestyle changes can be applied to prevent hair loss. A healthy diet is important to maintain hair health. Consuming foods rich in protein, vitamins (especially B vitamins and vitamin D), iron and zinc contributes to the strengthening of hair follicles and healthy hair growth. Avoiding stress and getting enough sleep also positively affects hair health. Stress is a major contributing factor to hair loss, and practicing stress management techniques can reduce hair loss.

Doing regular hair care and taking care of your scalp also helps prevent hair loss. Keeping the scalp clean keeps the hair follicles healthy. Avoiding chemical treatments, excessive heat and tight hairstyles prevents hair from breaking and weakening. Additionally, doctor-recommended topical treatments (such as minoxidil) and oral medications (such as finasteride) can be used to slow or prevent hair loss. These medications are effective for slowing hair loss and stimulating new hair growth.